24mm Media
If you are looking to produce a video in the Finland, we always have resources ready and available, including:
*Directors of Photography
*Video Producers
*Production Assistants
*Sound Technicians
*Make-up Artists
Post production process:
*Story build
*Graphic Animation
*Stock music selection and procurement
*Voice over talent
*Colour correction
director showreels
Barış Kırımşelioğlu
The Cast
A handfull of characters
"An Intense Experience"
"Production is worth much more than I paid. Dude, your stuff is the bomb! Production is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. You've saved our business!"
Robert S.
"Valuable Partner"
"It's really wonderful. Sofware is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. Sofware has really helped our business."
Amanda G.
"Amazing Service"
"Thanks for the great service. It's the perfect solution for our business. I like Production more and more each day because it makes my life a lot easier. I didn't even need training."